Friday, September 5, 2008

9-5-2008 Pam feels pretty good today after her third chemo session yesterday. The lack of discomfort may be due to the continued effect of the medications she took yesterday for her treatment. Since she has had frequent abdominal pain her doctor has set up another CT scan and PET scan to determine the effectiveness of this mixture of chemicals. His goal is to heal her and will do what is necessary to be confident that the tumor is being reduced.

All your prayers, emails, cards and calls have had a very positive impact on Pam's desire and ability to keep focused on her work, Treasure Coast Singers, and church activities. These activities are therapy for her.


DJewett said...

Pam, I want you to know that you were prayed for at Prayer Breakfast this morning. My prayer for you today is that God gives you strength for what He needs you to do today - not what you want to do. You may need to rest. Don't forget to listen to your body telling you what it needs in order to heal. Thank you, God, for already touching Pam's body and using her for your purpose today.

Anonymous said...

Pam, I'm so glad to know that you are in the proces of healing. The doctors will get the combination of meds just right for you. I pray for your healing, and your physical and mental commfort. You are an inspiration!
