Thursday, September 25, 2008

9-25-2008 Pam learned the previous treatment was not attacking the cancer as her doctor had hoped. Her test results indicated that the cancer is no better or worse than at the beginning of treatments in July. The results indicated that cancer cells have multiplied around her liver; however, the tumor has not grown. Pam's doctor remains optimistic and Pam thanked him for being on top of her case. Her original treatment plan called for 6 treatments 3 weeks apart and her doctor scheduled the interim scans to monitor progress. The new treatment plan calls for a less intense chemical (topotecan) every week for 8 weeks. Topotecan is designed to kill dividing cancer cells to prevent abnormal growth activity.

Pam is okay with this report. She had an inclination the chemotherapy was not working as planned and she is very pleased that a change in chemicals is occurring now rather than after the initial 6 treatments. Her doctor does not anticipate much change in the side effects with the switch to topotecan and remains committed to finding the most effective treatment.

We thank you for your continued prayers cards and expressions of support. They are working because Pam remains upbeat and committed to overcome this condition.

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