Tuesday, February 16, 2010

2-16-2010 Pam has been very weak and simply exhausted the past few days. She was extremely upset she was unable to attend church or work with the children at their handbell practice. That is one of her loves in life.

Pam underwent a biopsy of her tumor and xray of her abdominal area today. The biopsy tissue specimens will be sent to a lab for testing to help identify exactly where the cancer started. Although all the available chemo treatments for cancer in the ovaries and GI areas have been tried with little, if any, success, we hope that something may come out of the molecular testing. The xray will let her know if there is any blockage of the digestive system and may help explain why she feels so full without eating much. She is now taking megase to help increase her need and desire to eat nutritiously.

We remain strengthened in hope and faith because of all your prayers and unfailing support. May God bless you all.

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