Tuesday, December 30, 2008

12/30/08 - Pam has experienced highs and lows over the past one and one-half weeks. She was full of energy on the days leading up to Christmas. Her sister and brother-in-law arrived for a week's visit on Christmas night and Pam was really excited. After a chemo treatment on December 26th, Pam began to feel less energetic and tired easily. She began to have abdominal pains attributed to fluid retention due to blockage of the lymph system. She is scheduled to have the abdominal area drained again on January 5th, the earliest date available.

Pam's sister and brother-in-law have helped immensely to keep Pam upbeat and positive. They have worked around the house, completed errands for Pam, and provided wonderful fellowship. They will leave for home in Connecticut tomorrow.

We continue to thank you for your prayers and blessings and wish you a Happy New Year.

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