Thursday, June 24, 2010

6/24/2010 After a three day drive, we arrived in Massachusetts for the committal service. I was blessed with the presence of eight cousins with spouses and friends, and Pam's sister and her husband. We were very fortunate to have the service led by the pastor from a church well-known to my family and which Pam and I have visited in the past. The words from the pastor vividly illustrated the wonderful talents and life of Pam and the nearly 44 years we were together.

The staff of the Massachusetts Veterans Cemetery in Agawam were extremely helpful and efficient in coordinating the service and interment. This is a beautiful location that Pam and I had visited several years ago. This location is near my hometown of Springfield and not far from Boston where Pam's parents are interred.

Pam's struggle with the effects of cancer is over and she is home with the Lord. May God bless all our friends who prayed for her comfort and healing which gave us the strength to understand His will.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Love and prayers to you and your fine family. We hope that when you are in the great state of Texas that you would visit Midge and I. Anytime is a good time to see old friends.

May God be with you always.

In His Service
Lou & Midge Pleshe

PS: we will miss her but she is in a place we all look forward too.