Monday, December 1, 2008

12-1-2008 The past ten days have been busy and rewarding yet a bit trying for Pam. She has experienced fatigue, little or no appetite, and abdominal pains every day. On the very positive side, we enjoyed Thanksgiving in Orlando with David and Diane, Diane and Steven, Beverly and six grandchildren. The weather was perfect and we had a grand opportunity to catch up on the happenings of the children and adults and make plans for our December visit. Thanksgiving Day was the only day Pam felt anything like her old self.

Pam's sister Diane came in from Connecticut for the weekend to lend moral support and help Pam get ready for Christmas. Shopping was grueling, but productive, and the ordeal is over for this year. Diane and her husband, Art, will be back for Christmas.

Pam will have another chemo treatment on Thursday this week. We have a long list of questions to pose to her doctor with respect to further treatments and treatment alternatives. We should have a progress report on the effect of the current treatments in a week.

Thank you all for your prayers and encouragement. They keep Pam and me strong to face this health issue.

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